Portfolio Prep
The Portfolio Preparation course is designed for students who are seriously interested in the practical experience of art and design and who wish to develop mastery in the concept, composition, and execution of their ideas. Students in this class focus on creating artwork for a portfolio that reflects the skill-level and quality that art and design schools are looking for in their prospective students. In building the portfolio, students explore a variety of concepts, techniques, and approaches designed to help them demonstrate their abilities as well as their versatility with techniques, problem solving, and ideation. Students also develop a body of work that investigates an idea of personal interest to them. Students are expected to consider a variety of traditional and unconventional subjects, ranging from landscape and the body to text and self-generated topics. Throughout the semester students learn how to prepare and hang their work for exhibition. At the end of the semester students organize an exhibition of their work in and online digital gallery.
Concepts & Skills
Course Drawing Projects
Depth & Breadth
How to develop a theme
Photography of 2-D & 3-D Work
Digital Portfolio
Building a Website
Writing an Artist Statement
Expressive Work
Personal Work
Scanning & Photography of work
Digital Presentation of Work
This week's homework:
Course Requirements
Attendance-more than 3 unexcused absences will result in a letter grade drop.
Timeliness - students must finish projects within one week on or after the due date.
Effort and attitude are conisdered a crucial aspect of sucess in studio culture and are integrated into each projects grading rubric.
Every effort is made to inculcate a culture of self awareness and growth as a result of assesment.
Students recieve assessment in the following forms:
Direct individual assesment
Project rubrics
In class written and verbal feedback
Teacher guided student centered assessment
Peer critique
Self assessment
“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.”
― Scott Adams